Key Peninsula Co-op: is a parent participation preschool that provides a quality, developmentally appropriate, learning experience for children ages three to five. Through collaboration among teachers, parents, Bates Technical College and the Peninsula School District, it makes available a stand alone classroom at the Vaughn site and an inclusive classroom at the Evergreen site. To find out more about this unique preschool, please give us a call To Register: 253.884.5535


Smile Mobile

The Smile Mobile will be at Vaughn during the week of October 22nd. We still have plenty of appointments available. The Smile Mobile provides dental services for children up to age 18. Medical coupons are accepted, or a sliding scale is available based on need. 
Please call our health tech. Cheryl Chalfant at 530-4700 to arrange an appointment time.
Currently we do not have enough appointments scheduled and this valuable resource could be cancelled if spots aren't filled up by Tuesday, October 16th. Please help spread the word!