Key Peninsula Co-op: is a parent participation preschool that provides a quality, developmentally appropriate, learning experience for children ages three to five. Through collaboration among teachers, parents, Bates Technical College and the Peninsula School District, it makes available a stand alone classroom at the Vaughn site and an inclusive classroom at the Evergreen site. To find out more about this unique preschool, please give us a call To Register: 253.884.5535


"K" is for Kim

Hello Preschool Families!

As hard as it is to believe, many of our students will soon be starting Kindergarten.  We have spent our preschool time preparing our students and their parents for Kindergarten.

First and foremost, parents should always remember that on a daily basis, you are your child’s first and best teacher!  As your child’s most important teacher, simply treating them with love and respect teaches them two important qualities right off.  Also, the examples you set in all areas of daily life teach skills…the way you problem solve, he way you handle frustration, the way you speak and the vocabulary you use, your healthy habits versus your not so healthy habits…everything you do sends an instructional message to your child.  Having said that, no one is perfect, and if you slip up, or are working on self improvement, discuss it with your child at an age-appropriate level.  Let your child see that everyone makes mistakes, but the important thing is learning from our mistakes and trying not to repeat them.

The second most important thing for parents to keep in mind is that at this stage of development, PLAY is the most important learning tool your child has.  So, have fun with your children…laugh and play simple games, you will be amazed how much is learned and retained through this process!  Childhood is such an amazing, but short period…what a great gift you can give by not rushing your child through and letting him or her enjoy each special day.

Thank you for allowing me to spend this precious time with your children!!

Teacher Kim